Dooblo SurveyToGo vs PulseFE

Survey Software Pulse FE dooblo

It can be challenging to discover a platform to gather your research data, but don’t worry – you are in the right spot to find the answer. We have compared Dooblo and PulseFE for you. This will enable you to choose the most practical option for your subsequent research assignment.

We assume you’ve considered using certain tools, such as SurveyToGo or Dooblo, but allow us to inform you that we have a superior approach.

Comparison between the two

Cost Per ResponseThe first is that Dooblo has a cost between USD $0.44 (INR ₹32) to USD $0.22 (INR ₹16) per response. 
PulseFE offers something as incredible as USD $0.06 (INR ₹5) per response for text-only response
USD $0.12 (INR ₹10) for a response with an image
Scripting CostDooblo Survey To Go scripting costs as per their website is US$ 1200 – US$1500 (INR ₹96000 – ₹1,20000)Pulse FE scripting costs between US$ 125 – US$ 750 (INR ₹10000 – ₹60000) 
ServiceDooblo support is provided only through Mail and Chat. In case you have a problem with any study, you are likely to face it a very hard wayPulseFE provides a full range of support options, including phone and online calls as well as chat and email. Our team helps you with any need, and together we can resolve any problem
Survey WidgetsCommon to both systems
Single Choice
Multiple Choice
Open Ended
Single Choice Grid

Only on Dooblo
Multiple Choice Grid
Open-ended grid
Numeric grid
Position topic on image
Common to both systems
Single Choice
Multiple Choice
Open Ended
Single Choice Grid

Only on PulseFE
Rank widget
File upload widget
Barcode widget
Range widgets
URL widget
Trigger/acknowledge widget
Signature widget

Quota ManagementDirect quota management based on Q’re variables through the systemQuota monitoring per variable only
Audit DataMetadata like start, end time, date

Background audio recording (When enabled, audio widgets can’t be used)

Backcheck on device
Metadata like start, end time, date, geopoint

Background audio recording (When enabled, audio widgets can’t be used)

Backcheck on browser
API YesYes
Connect to other systems for Live DataPowerBI
Google Data Studio
JSON Compatible Systems
Google Data Studio
JSON Compatible Systems
Comparison between Dooblo and PulseFE


Dooblo SurveyToGo is a superb software for Market Research surveys. However, the PulseFE is equally capable and superbly stable software doing the same thing. The main differentiators are the lower cost per project for PulseFE and PulseFE service. While Dooblo’s quota management and on-device backcheck offer some edge over PulseFE, browser-based backcheck and live quota monitoring dashboard provides some way of doing the same work in a different way on PulseFE.

At PulseFE we offer you a small project not exceeding 20 minutes LOI and 300 responses for free as a welcome benefit. Use this to take the first ride on PulseFE. We are certain you will love the experience.

Consultation Request

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